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Release Stuck Energy

by | Blog, Inspiration


If you have some stuck energy or things you want to let go of, you can try this journaling exercise. It has two parts. Allow yourself at least 15 – 30 minutes to do it.

Find a quiet space. Get out a piece of paper and write down all the things from the past that felt undone, overdone; boundaries that were not set; habits, behaviors, and connections to people and things that you want to let go of; what you are done with; and what you want to release. Focus on specific things that’s within your power to change. Just let it free flow without over-analyzing it and without judgement. Download all of your feelings and thoughts on that piece of paper.

After you’re done, notice what images and feelings come up for you. Sit with those feelings for a minute or as long as you need. Give yourself permission to feel those deep emotions.

When you’re ready, rip up that piece of paper to tiny little pieces and then throw it in the trash.

Let out a big sigh. Take a long deep breath and say “Ahhhh.” That is the sound to release stuck energy. Let the sound echo throughout your body, signaling a release.

Get out a new sheet of paper. Write down three things that you did in the past year that you’re proud of. It can be anything – big or small accomplishments. It can be big or small moments that you want to remember.

Then below that write a positive message to yourself.

Here are some examples to help you:
I learn from my mistakes and I love and accept myself.
I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
I never give up.
I have a lot to offer the world.
I am enough.

Now take that positive message to yourself and put it where you can see it every day. It can be on your door, near your desk, inside your planner or notebook. Keep it as a reminder to yourself that you offer something unique to the world. What you do today matters. You have a lot to offer. You are enough.

Little Sage

2800 Pacific Ave, Suite A

Long Beach, CA 90806


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