FAQ How to Cook Your Herbs


Your most frequently asked questions about how to cook your herbs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that all instructions assume that you are cooking herbs for a 7 day supply of decocted tea.

Instructions how to cook your herbs in a stovetop

Instructions how to cook your herbs in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot

Commonly used terms

Decocted tea – this is what we call the cooked tea after you cook and strain the herbs.

What supplies do I need to cook my herbs in a stovetop?

  • 6 to 8 Quart stainless steel pot
  • Mesh strainer
  • Pot holder or oven mitt to handle the hot pot
  • 16 oz mason jars or any glass container to store your cooked tea – you need at least seven of these to store a week’s worth of decocted tea

What supplies do I need to cook my herbs in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot?

  • Pressure cooker or Instant Pot
  • If you’re using an Instant Pot, you will want to have a dedicated silicone sealing ring just for brewing herbs. The reason is you don’t want everything else you cook in your Instant Pot tasting like herbs.
  • Mesh Strainer
  • 16 oz mason jars or any glass container to store your cooked tea – you need at least seven of these to store a week’s worth of decocted tea.

How much water should I put in the pot?

Add enough water to cover the herbs by ½ inch. Some herbs are big and fluffy like leaves and flowers. Other herbs are more compact like roots and seeds. So the amount of water you put in the pot to cook the herbs will vary.

If cooking on a stovetop:

Start with putting at least 7 cups of water the first time you cook the herbs. Add more if needed.
Strain the cooked tea, put the herbs back into the pot and add another 7 cups of water for the second cook.

If cooking in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot:

Add at least 17 cups of water. Add more if needed to cover the herbs.


If there are instructions to “cook last 5 min” herbs, do I also cook it last 5 min on the second cook?

Yes if it’s still in its own filter bag. If it’s not, just add it in the second cook.


Where do I store the decocted tea?

16 oz mason jars or any glass container to store your cooked tea – you need at least seven of these to store a week’s worth of decocted tea.


How much herbs should I drink after cooking the herbs?

When you finish cooking the herbs you should have about 14 cups of decocted tea. Sometimes you will get more, sometimes you will get less.

Divide the amount of decocted tea equally into 7 separate containers. 16 oz mason jars or any glass jars of similar size can work.

Each container will be your dose of tea for the day.

Drink half of the container in the morning.
Drink the second half of the container in the early afternoon or evening.


When’s the best time to drink my decocted tea?

Drink one portion of tea in the morning between 8 – 10 am and one portion between 4 – 6 pm. Adjust the times based on your needs with the following considerations:

  • If possible, take the herbs on an empty stomach (1/2 hour before meals, or 2 hours after meals). If you have stomach issues after taking the herbs (like gas or change in bowel movements), try taking the herbs on a full stomach (during or directly after a meal).
  • Drink the tea separate from any other medication or supplements, at least 1-2 hours apart.
  • Ask your practitioner about your specific situation. 


Do I have to refrigerate my decocted tea?

Yes. Store any decocted tea that you will not drink that day in the refrigerator so it remains fresh. You can keep it in the refrigerator for 7 – 10 days.


Do I have to heat up my tea before drinking it?

It’s advisable to heat up your tea on a stovetop before drinking. It doesn’t have to be heated to boiling but should be warmed.

It’s possible to let the refrigerated herbs go to room temperature but most people find it easier and more palatable to drink the decocted tea warm.


Should I be concerned about the marker you use on the filter bag?

We use only edible food grade markers to write on the filter bags. They are food grade and safe to consume.


Do you have more questions not answered on this document? Please let us know by emailing info@littlesage.com so we can answer them.

Thank you!

Little Sage

2800 Pacific Ave, Suite A

Long Beach, CA 90806



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